
incredible projects

A futuristic building façade dubbed as the Living Light is a permanent outdoor pavilion in Peace Park, at the World Cup Stadium in Seoul, Korea. Not only does it display the air quality of the region, but also depicts if a particular day was better or worse than the same day last year. Designers Soo-in Yang and David Benjamin have done a commendable job in creating this gem of a sculpture.

The Melting Men ice sculptures by the Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo depicted how the glacial caps in Greenland and Antarctica are fast vanishing. Placed on steps in the central Gendarmenmarkt square, Berlin, the sculptures were the specimens of climate change art.

In an attempt to send out a strong message on climate change, Mark Coreth, a master sculptor of animals in motion, is carving a 1.8 meter bear sculpture in Kongens Nytory Square in Copenhagen, Denmark. The life-size Ice Bear will be carved by Mark and his team from a block of ice that encases its bronze skeleton. Dubbed as Ice Bear, the project will seek to enlighten masses on how global warming and climate change is affecting inhabitants of the Arctic. The height of the polar bear sculpture will match the average thinness of the floating sea ice (as revealed by the Catlin Arctic Survey) in the Arctic Ocean exactly.

Artists Agnieszka Gradzik and Wiktor Szostalo used the organic material to create wicker-people that embrace the tree. These literal tree huggers signify world population. Several wicker-people are found hugging a lonely tree at the “Lonely Tree, Lonely People” exhibit, while others wait for their chance to show their love to the lone tree.

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