

My name is Avner and I'm a computer animation student at Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL. As an animation student, I'm spending most of my day locked up in the windowless computer labs, being completely isolated from the world. It is often easy to forget about the world around you when get sucked into work. I thought it might be interesting to try an investigate how the animation and advertisment world adreeses environmental issues in order to promote the awareness to this subject. In the next few months I'll try and post as many examples as I can, so stay tuned :)


Wehn thinking about bigg issues such as environmental problems, global warming and such, it's always important to think about the processes that our actions start, and the effects the one action may have on another. this sweet animated short is a great example to this butterfly effect.

Wow... I was really excited to find this one... no one like Jim henson to teach the kids about the environment. it's amazing to see how far ahead of the game he was talking about these issues back in the mid-late 80s. interesting to see how relevant it was then as it is now, and how little progress we have made as a society.


incredible projects

A futuristic building façade dubbed as the Living Light is a permanent outdoor pavilion in Peace Park, at the World Cup Stadium in Seoul, Korea. Not only does it display the air quality of the region, but also depicts if a particular day was better or worse than the same day last year. Designers Soo-in Yang and David Benjamin have done a commendable job in creating this gem of a sculpture.

The Melting Men ice sculptures by the Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo depicted how the glacial caps in Greenland and Antarctica are fast vanishing. Placed on steps in the central Gendarmenmarkt square, Berlin, the sculptures were the specimens of climate change art.

In an attempt to send out a strong message on climate change, Mark Coreth, a master sculptor of animals in motion, is carving a 1.8 meter bear sculpture in Kongens Nytory Square in Copenhagen, Denmark. The life-size Ice Bear will be carved by Mark and his team from a block of ice that encases its bronze skeleton. Dubbed as Ice Bear, the project will seek to enlighten masses on how global warming and climate change is affecting inhabitants of the Arctic. The height of the polar bear sculpture will match the average thinness of the floating sea ice (as revealed by the Catlin Arctic Survey) in the Arctic Ocean exactly.

Artists Agnieszka Gradzik and Wiktor Szostalo used the organic material to create wicker-people that embrace the tree. These literal tree huggers signify world population. Several wicker-people are found hugging a lonely tree at the “Lonely Tree, Lonely People” exhibit, while others wait for their chance to show their love to the lone tree.

Skyscrapers turned into crop farms

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Planet Green Commercial

200 Mile Trip Across the Desert

Chances are, you haven't heard of Haidar Taleb yet, but he's on a mission to inspire the world. On Monday, the disabled 47-year-old from the UAE is set to embark on a record-breaking 200 mile voyage across the desert in a solar-powered wheelchair he designed and built himself.

"With this journey I hope to raise awareness of disability and sustainability as well as what we can achieve as individuals if we have the courage and determination to try," he says.

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McDonald's: Fresh Salads

Guerrilla Gardening

Gathered at GuerrillaGardening.org, the movement has spread all over the world, with dozens of groups in every country imaginable (you can find a local group at the website's community page).
Its founder, Richard Reynolds, has now launched a new project calledPimp Your Pavement, a similar concept but aimed at encouraging newcomers to start with a small piece of pavement/land.

Eco Graffiti

English artist Anna Garforth has been working with moss graffiti for a while, and she has lately been experimenting with these signs made with leaves hooked with little branches.

Guerrilla Parking

An example is the work of artist Jorge Mañes, who has taken advantage of holes in supermarket parking rules in London to claim the space to play tennis matches.
It's actually legal to occupy a parking space for two hours if you made a purchase at a supermarket in this city, and you can even tape the match with the surveillance cameras and ask for the tape.


Dumpster Conversions

Dumpsters are built to last and to hold the massive amount of things we throw away before they are taken away. But what if we could expose their inner potential and architectural features, and provide a space for experiential exchange with the community? What if we make a dumpster stay for the summer or a permanent fixture at our doorstep?
There are a few projects that work by turning them into useful and fun things like swimming pools, ping pong tables, skate ramps, a vegetable patch and even a home. Claiming back the streets and sharing good times with friends and neighbors has never been so easy.


Department of Environment and Conservation wanted to show their appreciation to people who were doing their bit for the planet by taking public transport to and from work. Agency Marketforce Perth set up a number of these applauding bus shelters in high traffic areas around the CBD. Motion sensors in the shelter triggered a recorded applause whenever someone entered.

European Commission has delayed a vital vote on protecting forests from illegal logging till September. We want to make sure the Commissioners don't forget about it during their summer holiday. We need you to help us make an extra impression before the September vote. Here is your mission: We need you to take pictures and/or videos of yourself and your friends spreading the love in a forest. You don’t have to be quite as expressive as those trees, but don’t be too shy either. We need as much kissing as possible. We’ll use these photos to make a collaborative video that we’ll show the EU Commission in September.

General Electric and their ad agency BBDO New York, have created a series of fantastic commercials that began running at the same time as the 2008 Olympics.
General Electric released this commercial titled "Clouds", for water technology a few months ago. They claim that just as nature reuses water, GE water technology has turned billions of gallons of into clean water each year, rain or shine. This ad won numerous awards - what do you think?

the translation for the Save Water environmental campaign:
To sum it up: If you pee, your invited. (when you flush you waste up to? 12 liters of drinkable water / 4380 liters in one year) Pee in the bath! Help the Atlantic Forest. Pee in the? shower! We want everyone to do it! Men! Women! Children! Brazilians! Or not! Nobles! Commoners! Musicians! Sports stars! People half-human, half-monster. Twilight creatures! Brazilian legends. Greek legends. Good people. Not so good people. Art geniuses. Science geniuses Circus performers. Lovers! People from other planets! Movie stars!

The ad was created by Quercus, a non-profit that focuses on raising awareness of Portuguese environmental problems and campaigns against nuclear power. They’re also pretty good at ripping out your heartstrings
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